

calendar buy ticketILIADEArtistic Direction, Direction and Choreography | Giuliano PepariniMusiche originali | Giovanni Sollima Scene e Luci |...

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calendar buy ticketLISISTRATA by ARISTOFANEWork of | Aristofane Director | Serena SinigagliaMusiche originali | Giovanni Sollima Scene e Luci |...

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Elettra by Sofocle

calendar buy ticketELETTRA by SOFOCLEWork of | Sofocle Director | Roberto AndòMusiche originali | Giovanni Sollima Scene e Luci | Nicolas Bovey...

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Roberto bolle and Friend

Roberto bolle and Friend

HALL PROGRAMME BUY TICKETSROBERTO BOLLE AND FRIENDSOpera by | Roberto BolleMusiche originali | Giovanni Sollima Scene e Luci | Nicolas Bovey Costumi...

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Aiace of Sofocle

CALENDAR BUY TICKETSAjax BY SOPHOCLESWork of | Sophocles Translator | Walter Lapini Director | Luca MichelettiOriginal music | Giovanni Sollima Sets...

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Miles Gloriosus

CALENDAR BUY TICKETSMILESGLORIOSUSBY PlautUSWork of | PlautusDirection | Leo MuscatoTranslator | Caterina MordegliaSet designer | Federica...

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CALENDAR BUY TICKETSPEACEWork of | AristophanesDirector | Daniele SalvoTranslator | Nicola CadoniAssistant director | Raffaele Latagliata Sets |...

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CALENDAR BUY TICKETSmedeaWork of | Euripides Direction | Federico Tiezzi Translator | Massimo FusilloScenographer | Marco RossiCostume designer |...

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CALENDAR BUY TICKETSPROMETHEUS BOUNDWork of | Aeschylus Director | Leo Muscato Translator | Roberto VecchioniSets | Federica ParoliniCostumes |...

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The Ukrainian Folk Choir

CALENDAR BUY TICKETSTHE UKRAINIAN FOLK CHOIR World Refugee Day, 20th June at the Greek Theatre of SyracuseOn the of World Refugee Day, Monday 20th...

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Après les Troyennes

CALENDAR BUY TICKETSAprès les Troyennes Work of | Euripide Creation for 10 performers | 5 danzatori, 3 attrici, 1 cantante lirica, 1 cameraman...

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Orestea Eschilo 2022

Orestea Eschilo 2022

Agamennone/Coefore/Eumenidi in one unforgettable evening CALENDAROresteIa Agamemnon / Libation Bearers / EumenidesWork of | Aeschylus Direction |...

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Edipo Re 22

Edipo Re 22

CALENDAR BUY TICKETSOedipus the KingWork of | SophoclesDirector | Robert CarsenTranslator | Francesco MorosiDramaturgy | Ian Burton Sets | Radu...

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Ifigenia in Tauride 22

Ifigenia in Tauride 22

CALENDAR BUY TICKETSIphigenia in TaurisWork of | EuripidesTranslation | Giorgio IeranòDirector | Jacopo GassmannSets | Gregorio Zurla Visual...

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Agamennone di Eschilo 22

Agamennone di Eschilo 22

CALENDAR BUY TICKETSAgamemnonWork of | Aeschylus Translator | Walter Lapini Direction | Davide LivermoreSets | Davide Livermore, Lorenzo Russo...

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Orestea Second Act

Orestea Second Act

ORESTEIAACTTWO The resumption of classical plays at the Greek Theatre of Syracuse after the Great War and the Spanish epidemic.SyracusePalazzo...

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BUY TICKETSNuvole Work of | Aristofane Direction | Antonio Calenda Translation | Nicola Cadoni Scenes and Costumes | Bruno Buonincontri Music...

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Coefore Eumenidi

Coefore Eumenidi

CALENDAR BUY TICKETSTHE LIBATION BEARERS/ EumenidESWork of | EschiloTranslator | Walter LapiniDirection | Davide LivermoreMusic | Andrea...

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BUY TICKETSBaccantiWork of | Euripide Translator | Guido Paduano Direction | Carlus Padrissa (La Fura dels Baus) Choreography and assistant director...

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CRISOTEMICrisòtemiCome si può rappresentare l’invisibile, la trasparenza, la fragilità che resta schiacciata dall’intraprendenza, la vita gioiosa e...

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AIACEAIACEFra i 17 pezzi che compongono il mosaico-capolavoro di Ghiannis Ritsos, “Quarta dimensione”, forse Aiace è quello che più trattiene della...

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La vedova Socrate

La vedova Socrate

LA VEDOVA SOCRATEla vedova socrateCon: Lella Costa di: Franca Valeri liberamente tratto dall'opera: "Der tod des Sokrates" di Friedrich...

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Da Medea a Medea

Da Medea a Medea

DA MEDEA A MEDEADA MEDEA A MEDEAMedea è uno dei personaggi più celebri e controversi della mitologia greca. Il suo nome in greco significa “astuzie,...

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L’isola della Luce

L’isola della Luce

L'ISOLA DELLA LUCE Cantata per soli, coro ed orchestraL’Isola della Luce Cantata per soli, coro ed orchestraMusica: Nicola PiovaniTesti: Vincenzo...

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