In the “sky theater”,thousands of students confront themselves with timeless plays for an event that speaks many languages with the strength and enthusiasm of youth. The International Festival of Young Classical Theater in Palazzolo Acreide is the most important theater festival dedicated to future generations on the national and international scene. Every year at the Greek Theater of Akrai, children of all ages present original reinterpretations of Greek and Latin classical texts in a happening that has participation and getting together as its core values.
The Festival originated from Giusto Monaco’s intuition who in 1991 decided to create an event capable of keeping ” the relationship with the new generations alive, through the protection of the founding values of classical culture”. Between 26th and 31st May 1991 students from 26 schools performed in the Greek Theater of Akrai, giving life to what has now become a regular and increasingly important appointment in the activities of the INDA Foundation, characterized by high educational and social value. Until the year 2000 the Festival was held every two years and then it became an annual event.
“Theater of Palazzolo, sky theater. This definition flashed into my mind the very first time I sat on the steps of the small magical theater that crowns the hill of Acre. Before us, and to the right, and to the left, nothing but the deep blue ether: no earthly appearance disturbed that immaculate purity, no echo of life disturbed that sacred silence. Infinity, Silence, Light are the three august divinities that rule over this corner of the earth, to which no other could be matched by inspirational virtue. No vulgar thing could enter this silent radiant circle of spell: only Poetry can approach them, adoring”. (Ettore Romagnoli)
By increasingly directing the Festival towards young protagonism, INDA fills a void by opening up a space for experimentation to tragedy and Greco-Roman comedy, a permanent workshop but also an observatory of emotions and conflicts, enriched with collateral proposals, musical appointments, gatherings and exchange opportunities between students. Sebastiano Aglianò is in charge of the complex organizational machine of International Festival of Young Classical Theater in Palazzolo Acreide.
to request an interview or for further information, please contact us using the form and writing to the attention of the Secretary General Sebastiano Aglianò.