Theatrical adaptation | Paolo Magelli
Translation | Giusto Picone
Direction | Paolo Magelli
Scene and costumes | Ezio Toffolutti
Music | Arturo Annecchino
Stage manager | Mattia Fontana
In rewriting this atrocious and well-known myth, Seneca certainly measured himself with the Latin theatrical tradition, lost to us, within which Ovid’s Medea must have held a prominent place. Compared to the famous Euripidean model, the innovations are of considerable importance: from the very beginning of the action, the protagonist is prey to an incoercible fury that pushes her to the subversion of every order, physical and ethical; the antagonist Already is driven by pietas for his children to repudiate the terrible companion and is weakened by the awareness of his own faults, the most serious of which is having challenged the sea with the first ship by violating the laws of nature to acquire the golden fleece, symbol and guarantee of the regnum ; in committing the extreme crime Medea competes with the crimes committed by virgo and postulates the need for her enemy to be both victim and spectator , so as to confirm with his own agony the happy outcome of the performance .
Giàsone | Filippo Dini
Creonte | Daniele Griggio
Nurse | Francesca Benedetti
Messenger | Diego Florio
Argonaut | Enzo Curcurù
Corifee – Corifei | Simonetta Cartia, Giulia Diomede, Clara Galante, Ilaria Genatiempo, Viola Graziosi, Elisabetta Arosio, Enzo Curcurù, Lorenzo Falletti, Diego Florio, Lucia Fossi, Carmelinda Gentile, Doriana La Fauci, Sergio Mancinelli, Francesco Mirabella
Children | Francesco Bertrand, Gabriele Briante